Available courses
Unlock Your Child's Potential with Our Summer Coding and Graphics Coaching Classes!
Are you ready to ignite your child's passion for technology and creativity? LAUTECH ICT Centre Summer Coding and Graphics Coaching Classes are designed to inspire young minds, enhance their skills, and prepare them for the future. Whether they are curious beginners or budding experts, we have the perfect program tailored just for them!
In today’s dynamic educational environment, the ability to manage assessments efficiently and effectively is crucial. This course offers a step-by-step guide to mastering Question Machine Software, providing you with the capabilities to create high-quality assessments, upload them to the Question Portal, and manage the entire quiz lifecycle independently. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this course will transform your assessment management skills.
As part of the ongoing Partnership for Enhanced Blended Learning West Africa (PEBL WA) project, efforts are made to deepen Blended Learning in LAUTECH. I, therefore, invite the entire students to a training program on The Use of LAUTECH LMS and Training on Blended Learning Programmes, organized in conjunction with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), UK and Partnership for Enhanced Blended Learning West Africa (PEBL-WA) Project – A project fully sponsored by the Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia.
Mode: Virtual/Face-to-Face (Blended)
Mode: Virtual/Face-to-Face (Blended)
4-Week Training Programme for Faculty/Department/Unit Representatives on Website Maintenance & Management.
As part of the ongoing efforts by the LAUTECH ICT Centre to develop and maintain robust websites for the Institution, I, therefore, invite representatives of faculties/departments/units to a 4-week training program on Website Maintenance and Management organized by LAUTECH ICT Centre.
Repurposing existing courses for Blended Learning using the Carpe Diem Process
This course is an introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn how to critically evaluate website quality, learn how to create and maintain quality web pages, learn about web design standards and why they're important, and learn to create and manipulate images. The course progresses from introductory work on web design to a culminating project in which students design and develop websites for local community organizations.
Website Design &
Development Course covers website development using the two technologies
required in all webpages today: HTML (which provides structure) and CSS (which
sets formatting & positioning).
After a broad overview of HTML, we’ll learn
the basics of CSS. We’ll conclude with Responsive Web Design: a modern method
for developing websites that provide optimal viewing experiences (in terms of
reading, navigation, and layout) across a wide range of traditional and mobile